I’m starting over, trying something new and simple with no pressure or weight.
Some of you may remember my blogging days on A Spoonful of Life. I created that blog in the beginning of college as a creative outlet, and it took off for me. I blogged consistently, sometimes daily, and over time, I grew a substantial following and even got featured on a few online papers and blogs. I received so many messages and notes and encouragement from people, asking me to write about certain topics or telling me how my stories and posts helped them in some way. I loved that I was making a difference for others while doing something fun and creative for myself. But then it turned into this heavy thing, like work that sucked the life out of me because I put so much of myself into it. I worried I wouldn’t meet the expectations of my readers. I felt like I couldn’t measure up to my own standards. I was so overwhelmed that I started to lose inspiration and energy. And because I couldn’t find a way to balance it all, I gave up.

So I am starting again, but this time it’s going to be different. Just a little journal for me to write when I feel like it. A clean and simple space that doesn’t distract or clutter my mind. Small bits. Mostly photos. Whatever. And maybe I’ll only post once every few months. Who knows. I guess we’ll see.